Loving Birth
Professional, Loving Support in Pregnancy, Birth and Mothering
Integrating & Healing From Challenging Birth Experiences
Each individual woman subjectively determines the quality and meaning of her birth experience. A healthy baby or a ‘good outcome’ does not necessarily mean a woman feels satisfied or happy with how her birth unfolded.
Feelings of helplessness, lack of choice and control, lack of privacy and dignity, immobilising fear, impersonal treatment and high levels of intervention can leave a residue of trauma, leading to distress, isolation, shame, ongoing mental health and relational difficulties - including interrupted bonding with one’s baby. |
When working with women to integrate and heal challenging birth experiences, I create a safe, supportive, non-judgemental holding environment. I use both talk therapy and body based interventions to facilitate exploration and integration of one’s birth experience.
Women get to tell their own story, without the need to filter, without the expectation to end with ‘but at least…” Using body based psychotherapeutic processes I support women to resource themselves, providing a foundation to facilitate a completing of actions or responses that were not possible at the time, thus allowing the physical body to process trauma and return to balance. To this work I bring my formal Counselling qualifications and experience, additional training in Hakomi Body-Based Psychotherapy, intuitive wisdom, and years of experience working with women in birth. Integrating & Healing From Challenging Birth Experiences sessions usually last for an hour and a half, are held in my private studio in Byron Bay, and are $90. |
Contact Heli
Telephone0414 787 668